SVARA Submarine Veterans Amateur Radio Association

Net Information: SVARA holds a radio net on 20 meters at 14.343 (+/- QRM) every weekday from 1100 to 1230 Eastern, 1000 to 1130 Central; 0900 to 1030 Mountain; and 0800 to 0930 Pacific.  The SVARA net is an open net--all licensed amateurs are welcome to join us.  While many of the regulars are submarine veterans, service on submarines, or other military service, is not required. 

WebSDR: In poor propagation conditions, WebSDR’s can be used listen to the net.  Many people use the Utah WebSDRs at:  Utah SDR#2 usually works well to receive Western stations and Utah SDR#4 usually works well to receive Eastern stations.

Web site:  Jim Flanders, W0OOG, maintains this website with information about submarine history, engineering, and other material related to submarines.

Facebook: The SVARA Facebook group can be found at:

Jim Flanders, W0OOG revived the net and expanded it to the current form.  Jim is a 2nd generation submariner with wide ranging interest and experience in submarines and the submarine service.